Sunday, June 25, 2006
Working in "The Lane"...
I'm very excited to have wormed my way back into the West End again...
I have been cast in the final West End cast of The Producers, at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane - so I'm over the moon.

I've had my first Wig fitting session last week, and my first Costume fitting earlier today - at both of which I got very over excited!! I seem to remember posting something similar nearly a year ago for the Scrooge tour... my excitement at getting put into the costumes and wigs etc. for the show. See - I'm easily pleased!!
It was great to work through all the different characters I will be playing and see the costumes I will be wearing for each opf them. And believe you me there are QUITE a few! All the wardrobe team were really nice. Especially considering I will have to have nearly all my costumes either made for me or adjusted, as they are working from a set of Canadian costumes so don't have many spares. And my big hips don't help!
It seems to be the same for the wigs - Richard (at the Wig makers) told me I shall be nice and busy in the show, and we worked out that I'd have a number of wigs, especially including my covers. Hurrah. Mrs Keelan will be very jealous (Wig, Score and 1st Night Party.... one down, 2 to go....)
I bumped into my friend Kate at the theatre who is currently in the show. She'll be staying after the re-cast, which is great - aways nice to have a friendly face on board. I don't think I know anyone else in the cast, so it'll be fun meeting a whole load of new faces.
Just over two weeks until starting rehearsals now and I can't wait!!!!
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