Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Deepest, darkest Peru...

We had a great day in Lima a couple of days ago. Unfortunately it was a show day for us so we couldn't be out for the full day, but we managed to fit in quite a lot.
We read in the information that the ship provided that there is often a 'mist' or fog that hangs over Lima, which gives the place (and the people it said!) a dreamlike
quality. At first we didn't witness too much of it, as it just appeared to be a rather grey day, and then cleared into a bright sunny one! That's fine thought - it made it much more enjoyable being able to appreciate the architecture and surroundings in the the nice bright sunshine.

We have had two shows on board now, which have both been received very well. It must be said that working with a great team of technical staff and reasonable equipment makes a big difference. There have been times when we have been performing on ships that we have suffered somewhat due to the set up. I can remember an hilarious couple of shows where we were battling with using 2 'lead' mics (microphones that had leads attached) which involved literally jumping over the flex at times, and at others trying to untangle yourself whilst giving your all! Funny to look back on but not really ideal whilst actually performing...

It's hard to believe that we have under a week to go already - time really does fly when you're having fun! Sadly, the weather seems to have turned for the worse already - with greying skies and a chilly wind. Hardly ideal for getting the wonderful tan I was after!
Never mind. I am sure it will be worth it when we get into the Chilean Fjords as we have been told they are stunning. Bring on the gloves and scarves - we'll be ready!
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