Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Producers ticket deal...

There are some great deals on top price tickets from now until January, and you can book them online from See Tickets via this website.
See you there!
What a lovely crowd...
Monday night is not really renowned for being the best night for 'audiences' in the theatre, but they certainly bucked the trend this evening!!
The theatre wasn't completely full - but the Stalls, Dress Circle and Grand Circle were, and it was great to have such a good response early in the week. There have been a few 'odd' audiences of late - varying from those that were, shall we say, small but perfectly formed, to the raucous front row crowd last week, to the mega-bunch for the shows on Saturdays. Love it!
It's also been great to have so many friends and family come along to support over the past weeks. Thanks to all the Farnham lot who have been making the trip up - it's much appreciated! And it looks like a party from Denmark Street Management (my agency) will be coming along in November, so I'm expecting good things from that audience!!!
Scary to think we only have 11 weeks to go at the Theatre Royal. It's coming round TOO quickly for my liking...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Sad, sad day...
I'm hardly a Political analyst by any stretch of the imagination, but I was really worried today reading the reports of the North Korean nuclear test.
Perhaps it's been blown out of proportion (if you'll pardon the pun) - perhaps it hasn't. Either way, just the very fact that something like this is even happening in principle is deeply worrying.
I feel a little "useless" when thinking about it - perhaps it will come to nothing, maybe it is nothing to worry about and will all calm down and go away - but it doesn't feel like it. I just hope that if a time comes when there is something that can be done to help solve the situation, that everyone involved DOES that thing...
Saturday, October 07, 2006
21 years old...
No - not me! Les Miserables of course!
The 8th October 2006 marks the 21st Anniversary for the show - which is exciting news. Makes me feel rather old though... when I joined the cast back in 1997, the banner outside the Palace Theatre read:

Hmmmm. Yes - it was nearly 10 years ago. Hey ho.
It was cool to join with the current cast and record the show (in a special edited version) for BBC Radio 2. It certainly was a bit of a culture shock too - I'm rather more used to Little Old Ladies and camp Showgirls at the moment, rather than the dregs of Paris and dying Students!!But fun nonetheless.
Happy memories...