Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Finally winding down
It's been a bit of weekend. I have just got back from Birmingham after the last of the "White Christmas" concerts that I was involved in with Capital Voices. In the past 4 days I have performed in London, then Retford, then London again and finally Birmingham. I'm not complaining of course (!) but it will be nice to spend a while not having to drive 100s of miles every day.
Friday's reading of the new show "The Silk Handkerchief" at the Royal Academy went well. We had one rehearsal the preceding weekend, and then performed for an audience of about 20 people. There were one or two 'hairy' moments as the lack of any real rehearsal time catches up with you and you slip in to panic mode - which I am sure an audience can see come over a performer, as the eyes glaze over for a second and the appearance of a rabbit caught in headlights comes on!! - but nothing too major. Hopefully it will have given the writers something to work with and take the show further.
The last minute job for the WestEnders was also lots of fun. I haven't seen most of the team for a while as they have been working away on the QE2 for a month. (Sad to say they were all VERY suntanned, and I looked decidedly pasty next to them. Maybe I feel a sunbed coming on!) I was doing a track in the show which I haven't done before, which kept things interesting. Luckily I have done the show enough times for it to be fairly easy to adjust what I normally do and work in the positions and the harmonies of the 'other' boy's show. The Majestic Theatre in Retford was quite pretty, the staff were all very helpful, and the WestEnders now own their own mics so the sound was great too.
And of course, doing the "White Christmas" concerts at the Albert Hall and the Symphony Hall in B'ham is great fun, and a fab way to lead up to Christmas. I have been to see them in the audience in the past as you can't beat a good sing to get you in the Festive spirit!
The next thing is not until the 29th December now for a Rodgers & Hammerstein celebration at the Festival Hall... need to get Christmas out of the way first!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Rushing up to Retford...
I've just been asked if I can make it up to Retford to do a show with the WestEnders this Saturday. It's a bit last minute, but luckily it will fit in quite nicely - between the workshop this Friday of Silk Handkerchief and the White Christmas concert on Sunday.
The WestEnders have actually only just got back from an engagement on the QE2 - doing the South America itinerary. I decided this time round not to do the cruise with them, although there has been a number of times whilst they were away (for nearly a month... in the sun!) that I have wondered if I made the right decision! The last time we were booked for a month on a ship it did become quite difficult, being away from home for so long.
But when you're stuck in the UK... in the rain... not working... a few weeks performing on the QE2 doesn't seem half so bad!
Anyway, the show is in Retford, Notts. at the Majestic Theatre - so if you're in the area, do come along! I'll leave the rest of the gang up there to head off to Wales for their next gig on Sunday, whilst I head back down south ready for the Albert Hall. Busy, busy, busy!
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
![]() Welcome to the Blog! |
Welcome to the new Blog! I thought it would be quite fun to start one up and see how it goes - so I can post bits and pieces of information about the jobs I'm working on, or the places I am visiting. And I think it would be a useful way to have an ongoing 'diary'of what I am up to, as well as the bigger items on the News page. Thanks for stopping by... feel free to leave me any comments you have. Stephen |