Monday, February 23, 2009
We got nothing to be guilty of...

I'm heading down to London this morning to start our second week of rehearsals for "You Don't Bring Me Flowers". It's a show celebrating the music of Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand - I'm mainly focussing on the former of course! (Although it became very evident that I knew much more of Ms Streisand's work than Mr Diamond's!)

The format of the show is similar to those that I do with The WestEnders, which is great for me as it's something I'm very used to. A little less "Musical Theatre" this one, but noentheless!
The show brings together most of the best loved songs from Diamond & Streisand - most of which you'd know and be able to hum along to.... just don't do it in hte quiet ones! I get to do Cracklin' Rose, I Am, I Said, Love On The Rocks, Jerusalem, Cherry, Cherry, You Don't Being Me Flowers - to name but a few. It's a bit of a new "repertoire" for me, and it's great to be doing something a little bit 'out of the norm' vocally.

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