Friday, May 25, 2007
Och aye the "no"...
We had a bit of bad news today - unfortunately the tour will not be making it's call to Edinburgh as had been planned at the end of the year.
The producers (of "The Producers" - pardon the pun!) let us know today that we will be finishing the tour in Cardiff on the 8th Dec 2007. It'll be really sad to miss spending time in Edinburgh, but that is the way of things.
We have just a week left in Woking and then off "up north" again to settle into Sunderland for a few weeks - Ahhh, bit of sea air!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Matinee Madness...
Phew. Kinda glad that show is over with. It's fairly safe to say that I don't think there has ever been a Courtroom scene in The Producers quite like that one!
As it was the last matinee (traditionally a time when small, subtle tricks are played amongst the cast during the show) Peter - not wanting to be left out - decided to join in the Courtroom as one of Max Bialystock's "Little Old Ladies" - complete with dress, wig, and thick glass-bottle-bottom glasses... quite a sight!!!
As the curtain revealed the scene, after Cory (Max Bialystock) had finished the number "Betrayed", he looked a little puzzled as to why the audience were laughing quite so much. It wasn't long - once he had time to look down the line of little old ladies - before he realised that we had an "extra" in the room. He kept his composure very well, and handed over the baton to a surprised John Gordon Sinclair (Leo) when he entered the room.
"Your honor - may I address the court? ... is there any point??!?" he asked...
Peter doesn't do things by half, so fulfilled his role completely, even joining in with the singing during the song "Till Him" ... slightly less poignant than in a normal show, it has to be said.
To round the afternoon off, Gordie hushed the audience during the Curtain Call, and told them that it was his & Peter's last night in the show, and also that it was Peter's birthday (it's not!) and encouraged the audience to join in with a round of Happy Birthday - particularly funny when you know that Peter has played this trick on John a number of times during the run.
Ahh Peter Kay - his version of The Producers will be sorely missed! :-)
Sunday, May 06, 2007
New look...

I have managed to spend a bit of time updating my website, so take a look if you get a chance.
There is still a lot of transferring to be done - mainly of content like photos, sound clips etc., but these should be coming online soon and once done I think the site will be much cleaner, easier to get around, and generally better! (And I have got rid of "FRAMES" for those who know what that means... dunno why I let that carry on for so long!)
And of course I must at this point mention my very good friend Lynnie McGrinnie....
... She's been moaning at me for AGES to mention her on here, so now I have! And I thought it only fair that I drop in a wee photo so everyone can see us together. I've known Lynnie for too many years now (how old are WE?!) and she and her family have very kindly looked after me on a number of occasions whilst I've been in Manchester working, so thanks Grinnie! :-) Love you lots x