Wednesday, February 21, 2007
PLEASE sign the petition...
If you get a few seconds, I'd love for you all to sign an online petition to the Prime Minister Tony Blair. I don't do this sort of thing as a rule, but thus change in the law could mark a difficult turning point in the way live theatre is produced - and hence my job!!
As part of the Digital Dividend Review, OFCOM has announced plans to sell off the Analogue UHF TV band. This band is also heavily used for so called Program Making and Special Events, covering usage of radio microphone, radio talkback/foldback, and wireless comms systems. This would mean the return to cabled mics on the WestEnd Stage, popular TV programs becoming unworkable, and the Vicar having to shout at the village fete.
Without the availability of Radio Mics in the West End, it is likely that much of Musical Theatre will cease, Sir Lloyd-Webber has already hinted that he'd consider premiering his next musical on Broadway. Overall the impact on UK PLC of the loss of this spectrum would be immense, impacting on everything from church services through to the Olympic Games.
If any of you have ever been to see a live event you know that a large percentage of them would be unworkable without radio mcs (in fact I am wearing one now, as we are between shows in Manchester) and bang goes my livlihood, and that of lots of other people.
The web address for the petition is:
It will only take you seconds to sign, and could mean a great deal!! Thanks for your help. :-)
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
GMTV - Friday 9th Feb
8.35-9.25am Entertainment Today
Ben Shephard and Jenni Falconer introduce entertainment and showbiz news.
Simon Webbe live
Peter Kay - in rehearsals for the tour of 'The Producers'
Justin Timberlake - up close and personal in an interview
Top TV - Richard Arnold picks out the best of this weekends tv.
Puppet love...
I'm probably preaching to the converted here, but - if you haven't seen "Avenue Q" at the Noel Coward Theatre, then GO SEE IT!
I watched the show this evening, and I loved every minute of it. Although I've had the sountrack since it was first published, I haven't had a chance to see the show till now. Bloody glad I've seen it.
Julie Atherton is fantastic, Gabriel Vick (who was on for Princeton & Rod this evening) was great, and I loved getting the chance to see my ex-Gregorian chum Sion Lloyd do his stuff.
(Nice to see a number of Mountviewers in the cast too!)
I'm sure it'll be around for a long time to come, but don't wait - get there now - you won't regret it! :-)

Monday, February 05, 2007
Watch this space...

Peter Kay, Cory English & John Gordon Sinclair are being interviewed right now, and we're all sat around the rehearsal room keeping very quiet!
So if you want to see a wee clip from the show with Peter Kay and the other principals performing "Good Luck, Bad Luck" - you'll have to get up early and keep watching GMTV...
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Missing out...

I am sat here listening to some music and kicking myself - how can I have missed out on this for so long?!?!
I'm talking about Durufle's Requiem - which is BEAUTIFUL! Having been a fan of Faure's Requiem for years (ever since I first heard and sang it whilst at school) I didn't think there was a Requiem to beat it for me... but Mr Durufle is certainly doing his best to change my mind.
It is full of the kind of thick, lush choral chords that I just love listening to. The sort of sound that feels like it is enveloping you, and you could just sink right into it. I think I may need to investigate some more of his work - I feel a bit of a dunce now, having had the CD for so long and never having got passed Faure. Very lax on my part!