Friday, July 20, 2007
Doom and gloom...

Does anyone not think that (whatever the cause!) our weather systems are going into meltdown??
It's not just because it is raining today, and has been raining for hours, and hasn't stopped... or that a couple of years ago we had a heat wave like no-one has seen before, but this year we've got some of the worst floods in living memory...
But because of the completely "unseasonal" weather we've had all.. ummm... 'season'. Heavy rains, storms, floods. I know the British summers are often laughably wet, but REALLY!!!
The storm that passed over Birmingham last night whilst we were doing the show was something fierce. We were in the middle of the show, just starting Act II, when one of the laudest and heaviest bits of thunder i have ever heard actually shook the theatre - and I'm no spring chicken any more so I've heard a fair few ;-) The rain that followed could be heard on stage (and in the auditorium) which I don't think I've knoen before - and that was over the music and all of us making a racket. Scary.

And it's still raining...
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Good news...
... at last!
Very excited that we've heard today the tour will be continuing. PHEW!
Sadly we won't be visiting Bristol now, but other than that, we will continue as planned - with Southampton, Milton Keynes, Glasgow and Cardiff, closing on the 8th Dec. What a relief :-)
I've been putting off writing much on here, or my website, for fear of jinxing the decisions that the producers have been making. Perhaps it was a wise choice?!?