Sunday, November 12, 2006
Peter is out of the closet..

... or rather the fact that he is doing the tour is out of the closet.
Peter announced the fact this evening on the "Parkinson" show, and you can now buy tickets for Manchester.
If you go to the Producers - London website there is a (fairly obvious!) link to tickets for the tour. So it looks like it's official!!
I have no doubt this will do little to quash any more rumours and chatting about the tour backstage, and elsewhere, but at least that's one bit of the puzzle in place... many more to fit it I feel!
We had a great day today at the theatre though - the audiences were fantastic, and this evening's were particularly good. It gives such a buzz on stage when you are getting a reaction from the audience like that - I love it!! I think there were only something like 72 seats free this evening... and in a 2237-seater, that's pretty good going.
But there's always rooms to squeeze you in if you wanna come along!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Happy Birthday "The Producers"!

The show opened on the 9th October 2004, and there are quite a few cast memebrs who have been with the show since then. Of course, I'm a relative newcomer with only 5 months under my belt!
... no - we didn't have cake!...
Many Happy Returns!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
"Are you doing the tour?"...
... seems to have been the question on pretty much everyone's lips backstage at the theatre this week. Causing a bit of a buzz it is!!
Well, I am one of the few who is answering "Yes" to that question, as I have accepted an offer to continue in the show when it tours next year - hurrah! I think it's going to be lots of fun actually, as it sounds as if quite a few of the current cast are going to do the tour as well, and what with the various "celebs" who will be doing stints in various roles, I think it's going to be 'interesting' at the very least ;-)
I will be playing the same role, and also be the cover for Roger De Bris - which is being played by Peter Kay for the Manchester stint of the tour. Double edged sword of course... great to be the only cover for a role, greater possibility of getting on, but HIGH probability of getting the "groan" should Peter be off and I have to take his place.
So if you DO come to see Peter Kay and he's off - groan quietly!!!