Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Heavy week...
... and not just because of excessive turkey!!
We are back in the theatre now for our 'post-Christmas' week of 10 shows - aarrggh! Although it is only one more show than we normally do each week, it really does seem to make a difference. Having an extra matinee last week was really 'noticeable', and when it came to Christmas Eve with only one show, there was certainly a feeling of slightly hysterical elation in the theatre.

Here are a couple of pictures of the night - and a good time was had by all! I loved my pressie, which was Richard Rogers' Biography (very Musical Theatre of course!) and there was very well thought out gifts flying around.

After this one, we have 3 more weeks here in Bristol before moving on to Oxford and then Liverpool. I was saying to Penny (the wiggy) today that it will be a sad day when the tour ends, as I will certainly miss the people and the show as well. Sheri was echoing similar thoughts last night as the cast was out for a Boxing Day drink. There are the usual tos-and-fros in the cast, and there will always be people you get on with better than others, but we both agreed that on the whole it was a really great cast, and there was really no-one who we didn't get on with. That's rare!
Already it has started to feel a little odd singing merry 'ole Christmas songs after the day itself has passed... goodness knows what it will be like by Feb 18th in Liverpool.... hey ho!
Happy New Year by the way! :-)